5 Things Not To Do In An Interview.

Umme Salma T
2 min readAug 24, 2021


If you are a fresher or someone who is going to face an interview sooner or later, you should make some do or not to do list first. You can lose a great chance because of some common mistakes. It doesn’t matter how good your grades are, if you cannot face the interview properly. Before facing an interview, prepare yourself so that you can be the best candidate among others.

5 things not to do in an Interview
Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

Here are the 5 things you should not to in an interview :

Be clueless about the company

It is so absurd that most of the time; we don’t know anything much about the company we are applying for the job. When interviewers ask them about the company, they act clueless. Before applying to any company, please do a good research about them. It will help you to know about the company and its people.

Dressing up inappropriately

It doesn’t matter how fashionable you are but for an interview choose formal attire. There is a proverb that says, First impression is the last impression. Don’t wear fancy clothes, choose something classy. Look at your hair, shoes and begs. Make yourself presentable as a person. If you look good, you will feel good.

Take your time to get ready for the interview; it will make you feel confident.

Talk too much

Don’t talk too much in the interview. Gossiping, talking ill about others or your past job is prohibited in the interview. Don’t talk about irrelevant topics. Let the interviewer ask you the question they want to know about you. Only reply to what they ask, don’t talk nonsense. Ask questions, if you do not understand anything. Give a short and proper answer.

Poor Body language

Eye contact, good body posture and cordial behavior can make you the best candidate for the job. Your body language says a lot about your personality. Don’t make noise or look here and there. Don’t move your body unnecessary, it gives a poor impression about you. Work on your body language, practice in front of the mirror.

Never interrupt Interviewer

Be a good listener. To win the job and give the best interview, listen first. Let the interviewers finish their speech; don’t interrupt in the middle of the question. Nobody likes to be interrupted when they are talking. If you don’t understand the question, ask them to repeat it. Let them finish first, and then you can say, “Sorry, Can you repeat the question please?”

Those are the 5 things you should not do in an interview, if you want to be the best candidate for your desired job.

