Toxic parenting: Signs, Characteristics and How to Deal|

Umme Salma T
2 min readJun 4, 2021


We all know about parenting. Parenting refers to raising a child, giving him/her all the physical and emotional support which is needed for his better life. Most of the time, we neglect his/her mental health. Toxic parenting can ruin a child’s childhood and he/she has to bear the consequence in their whole life.

Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

What is toxic parenting?

Toxic parenting is raising a child in an unhealthy environment where he/she has to go through much negativity and abuse. Sometimes parents think that they are fulfilling all the basic rights to their children and giving them their best. But that’s not enough. They have to raise them with kindness and love. Most of the time, bad relationships between parents affect their child. They feel unsafe when they see that their parents are disrespectful and abusive towards each other.

Characteristics of toxic parents :

To know about toxic parenting, you have to know some basic characteristics of them.

some characteristics of a toxic parents are given below:

1.They are control freaks and dominating.

2.They are abusive and disrespectful towards each other and with their kids too.

3.They don’t maintain healthy boundaries and always control their kids.

4.Don’t accept their faults and blame others.

5.They make their child unsafe and insecure.

How to deal with toxic parenting :

After knowing that you are living with toxic parents, the first question comes to our mind is, what should we do now? We know how important our parents are and their role in our life. We cannot abandon them and need to know how to deal with toxic parenting.

1.Maintain healthy boundaries and keep a safe distance from them.

2. Don’t take them seriously and take their rude words to heart.

3.If they are saying bad things about you, maintain a healthy distance from such situations.

4. If you think living with them is giving you extreme pain and suffering, I will suggest temporary or permanent separation.

5.Love can cure every pain. As a daughter/son, you should talk to them lovingly and make them realize that they are doing wrong. You are a family and you have to treat each other with equal respect.

Toxic parenting can cause great damage for a child’s physical and mental health. Most of the time, we don’t even realize how deeply we are hurting our loved ones intentionally or unintentionally. Parenting is a great responsibility, a child’s whole future depends on it. So, we expect our parents will take care of this matter seriously.

